Tapping is easy and most people feel better in a matter of minutes. Here is the basic recipe for EFT tapping.


  1. Choose your target for tapping. Choose a reminder phrase for this target that specifically says how you feel.
  2. Rate the intensity of how you feel about the target issue on a scale of 0 -10 with 10 being the most intense.
  3. Create your setup phrase. The setup phrase is usually something like: Even though I (insert your issue to target), I deeply and completely accept myself.
  4. Tap on the karate chop point as you repeat your setup phrase three times.
  5. Tap on the eight tapping points while repeating your reminder phrase (or phrases)
  6. Repeat step 5 until you start to feel relief. 
  7. Take a deep breath and reaccess your intensity level. Continue tapping until your intensity is between 0 -1

That’s it. Check out the video to see it in action.