Is EFT Okay for Christians?

This is a question that is often asked. Some people present EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) as a new-age idea, part of Eastern Religion, or something mystical. None of these are actually true.
The first time I heard about EFT was many years ago, from my mother. Her husband was a pastor and also a police chaplain. They had been to a conference for chaplains to learn ways to help first responders and victims after disasters.
Many of these people suffer symptoms of PTSD and EFT is one of the methods that has helped many of them.
EFT is simply a methodology that uses acupressure points and your brain to calm your limbic response. It is scientifically proven through multiple studies to be effective for helping people with multiple emotional and physical ailments.
At one time, methods such as chiropractic and acupuncture were outside the mainstream. Now they are accepted and many find great relief through these modalities. EFT is now gaining this same acceptance and is providing incredible results to many people.
God created us. Our bodies are miraculous! Our brain processes information even when we are asleep. Without our conscious effort, our lungs breath, our hearts beat and our eyes blink.
In our stressful times, our brains react to so many signals and many live in a perpetual state of stress. This is not how we are meant to be and EFT is simply a tool to help us regulate the responses of our brains and bodies and live a more purposeful life. As we live out God’s purpose in our lives we also are better able to help others which follows the commandment “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.”