Pathlight Learning Center

Lighting Your Path To A Better Life!

What I Have Learned From Fasting

By Christi Wharton | Dec 31, 2023

In 2020, a lot happened in the world and with me personally. I lost my job in the early days of COVID and found myself at 58 years old, overweight, looking for a job, and also looking at losing my insurance. It was a distressing time, to say the least.I needed to make some changes…

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Kindness Challenge

September Kindness Challenge

By Christi Wharton | Sep 5, 2023

Our world is so challenging. There seems to be so much anger! We could all use a little more kindness. The challenge for September is to add kindness to our world. There will still be anger and strife, but every act of kindness that we add can make it a little easier for all of…

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You Deserve Love and Respect

By Christi Wharton | Jul 9, 2021

When we struggle with our weight, sometimes we feel like we don’t deserve love and respect like other people. But, you know what? That is just wrong. No matter where you are in your journey, you deserve love and respect. Christ died for you, just like her did for everyone else. If God loves and…

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Fasting Is Too Hard

By Christi Wharton | Jul 9, 2021

Okay, the very idea of fasting may seem overwhelming. I may seem too hard. Do you know that the more you practice fasting, the easier it becomes? Try this video to help you overcome any doubts you may have about your ability to fast.

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I Can Do This!

By Christi Wharton | Jul 9, 2021

Life gets hard sometimes. Our minds tell us we just can’t do this. It’s easy to feel defeated in this crazy world. If you are feeling that way, try this video. Get out of your own way and go for it!

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Get Some Sleep!

By Christi Wharton | Jul 9, 2021

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best things we can do for our health. Not getting sufficient sleep can keep us from achieving our health goals. Use this video to help you relax and get your brain to slow down and get some sleep.

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I’m Hungry

By Christi Wharton | Jul 9, 2021

Sometimes, we just feel hungry, especially when we are practicing intermittent fasting. Are we really hungry, or is this battle more mental than physical? If you’re feeling hungry and you think it might just be in your mind, try this this:

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Beliefs that keep us from losing weight (and what to do about it)

By Christi Wharton | Jun 2, 2021

Losing weight seems like hard work. Often, it isn’t just what we eat that is holding us back, it is more about why we eat and what we believe about ourselves and food. Many of us have built up unhealthy relationships with food and also have beliefs about ourselves that hold us back.  Here is…

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Is EFT Okay for Christians?

By Christi Wharton | May 20, 2021

This is a question that is often asked. Some people present EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) as a new-age idea, part of Eastern Religion, or something mystical. None of these are actually true.

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