Pathlight Learning Center

Lighting Your Path To A Better Life!

EFT for Weight Loss

EFT and Weight Loss

By Christi Wharton | May 14, 2021

What if we were able to address all of the issues that keep us coming back to food? Some find stress relief in food, others find comfort, while others have ingrained habits and addictions that they have carried around for years.

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depressed woman

Can Christians Be Depressed?

By Christi Wharton | Dec 15, 2020

Depression is sometimes a misunderstood condition, not just by the world in general, but by Christians as well. Christians who are depressed may be told by well-meaning friends that they should have more faith or just to pray. While both of these things are good, they don’t take into account the sometimes physical and other…

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help for anxiety

10 Anti-Anxiety Strategies You Need to Try Now

By Christi Wharton | Oct 19, 2020

Feeling anxious? You are not alone. COVID-19 has put everyone on edge. Brain scientists tell us that even those of us who do not have the virus are affected because of how we respond. Our brains go into fight or flight mode, and before you know it, people are doing irrational things, like hoarding toilet…

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